Can Fire Dept. AED be used for dual sequential defib?
Question #9
Hi there, I'm a second year Fleming College paramedic student, Could you confirm that in dual sequential defibrillation, if no other paramedic monitor (Lifepak or Zoll) is available, an AED that the local fire department has on scene can be used? Have fire departments in Kawartha, Peterborough and Haliburton agreed and been informed?
Yes a local Fire department AED can be utilized with dual sequential defibrillation. The fire departments that receive their medical training from CEPCP will be receive some awareness training regarding dual sequential defibrillation. CEPCP is also attempting to notify the other local fire departments about this change in practice. In the event a fire department does not allow use of their AED, please revert to vector change defibrillation.
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Medical Directive Category
Cardiac Arrest
20 January 2025
ALSPCS Version
Please reference the MOST RECENT ALS PCS for updates and changes to these directives.